आपकी प्रार्थना में अपार शक्ति है
........अब आपकी प्रार्थना का एक एक शब्द
बाकी लोगों की एक हजार प्रार्थनाओं से
कहीं अधिक शक्तिशाली है ।
आप अत्यंत शक्तिशाली हैं
और जो भी इच्छा करते हैं पूर्ण होती है ।
आप जो भी चाहें पा सकते हैं ,
पर आपको प्रार्थना करनी पड़ती है ,
आपको माँगना पड़ता है ।
ज्यों - ज्यों आप विस्तृत होगें आपकी प्रार्थना भी उतनी ही विस्तृत होगी ।
पूरे क्षेत्र के हित में ,
पूरे विश्व के हित के लिए ।
🌹प पू श्री माताजी ,01-03-92🌹
“You have to create an aura
around this universe,
of desire to achieve the Ultimate,
the Spirit.”-
Shri Mataji (19.12.1982)
The whole universe should be enlightened with your desires.
Your desires should be so intense that they should emit out the pure vibrations of Mahakali Shakti, which is the pure desire of attaining the Spirit.
That’s the real desire.
All the other desires are like mirage.
You are the people who are chosen by God. Specially, first to express your desire, and then to achieve it.
And by intense desire of purity you have to purify the whole world.
Not only the seekers, but even those who are not seekers. You have to create an aura around this universe, of desire to achieve the Ultimate, the Spirit.
Without desire this universe would not have been created. This Desire of God is the one that is the Holy Ghost, is this All-Pervading Power, is the Kundalini within you.
Kundalini has only one desire, is to be the Spirit and anything else, if you desire, the Kundalini doesn’t rise.
Only when it knows that this desire is going to be fulfilled by somebody, who is facing the seeker, it is awakened.
If you do not have the desire, no-one can force you. Sahaja Yogis should never try to force this desire on other people.....
So in Sahaja Yoga to make your desire a pure desire, you have to get out of so many things.
But for people who are attached to their family, are bound by their family, they have to see to it that they do not force Sahaja Yoga* on anyone of their relations, at least don’t force them on Me...
(An extract from talk of H H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Shri Mahakali Puja, Lonawala, Maharashtra, India, 19 December 1982.)
सबको दुआ देना मां सबको दुआ देना
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